Lets fast forward to the present... the sky is cloudy and it looks as if its about to rain, the winds are blowing strong and fast... and i'm dozing off into my thoughts and memories, lost in time... lost in thoughts....
The topic i'm about to discuss today is very deep.. dunno if most of u can make out or keep track of what i'l be saying coz today i'm talking bout human bondings and relationships, the very depth of it. Coz in todays world, every human interaction seems to be materialistic. most of the friendships i see around me are just for the sake of conveniences and for the sake of returns.. not solid, not forever..
lets start.. how often is it that u start liking a person without actually understanding them? everyone listens to all the hype, rumors, gossips and news about a person and draws conclusions there itself!!! they don't wait to find the truth.. they rush along with the crowd, doing what the majority does... fearing the society, with everyone trying to act saintly, forgetting that everyone's human and everyone has their flaws.... no ones perfect.... once a person seems to be the eye-candy of the crowd, everyone likes the person. suppose the same person becomes the crowds scapegoat, everyone ditches the person.. playing safe, forgetting all the other good things about that person....
our whole perception seems to be based on the surface nature of things... a pseudo-image of a person...
and its no surprise that these kind of relations and acquaintances fail... coz there was nothing solid in the beginning itself...
lets shift to the other end of the spectrum- here we have relationships built on understanding in depth. there seems to be a telekinetic understanding between the individuals, no bickering, no dissent. and this is very rare.. why? because people just rush into things without thinking, without even bothering to give things a second thought.. and in the end just keep blaming everything... this is not a true bond my friends..
a true bond is one where a single object switches your memories to the person in question, where you come to understand without words, its total synchronization of minds. and the best part, these bonds have no names.. they don't fall into the categories of love, liking, friendship, hatred or loathing!!! they are just there.. you cant associate those feelings and responses with any names, just people... these are the real bonds that define our life... not the plastic smiles and goodwill that we are served just for the sake of courtesy or convenience.. coz truth is all that stands in the end and true feelings will come out sooner or later. so, there's no use in masking things and acting normal.... you are what you are and what you think deep down actually counts a lot more than you can ever imagine...
so strive to find these true bonds, forget all fear, go for the truth and be yourself. respect yourself and respect everyone... cause in the end, its not the money or the name that you make, its the number of people who will actually whole-heartedly miss you and remember you when you leave them behind and go away to the other world..
this blog is dedicated to all those people with whom i have such strong bonds. thank you people , you made my life worth it, whether you stuck with me or left me, you've left a part of yourself with me and that is something i'll treasure forever....