Thursday, March 25, 2010

wandering thoughts!

Well, long time coming in my latest blog, but i was held up! lots of things happening in a very little time!
And that brings me to today's topic, "TIME"!!!!

This is that simple 4 letter word that has driven everyone bonkers throughout ages. what is time, what does it do? where did it come from? where's it going? what the heck is it? how did it all begin?
It's an enigma of sorts! we always keep talking about time, it's management and usually the lack of it, but truthfully, what the heck is it?

Isn't time a RELATIVE mumbo-jumbo that we humans have cooked up to keep things in check? isn't it just a frame of reference between two events? see, again, these questions just keep popping up! For some reason, I'm possessed about time today! I dont know why...
Every time I look up at the sky, I start wondering a lot. in this huge universe, to think that we are the only living beings is sheer stupidity! it is just not possible that only we on this tiny speck of a planet in the gigantic universe are the only living things! what's out there? surely, more than what we can ever imagine! just try to imagine the vastness of this universe! and think, what if there is more than one universe?what if there are multiple universes existing parallelly?! but then again, what is universe? isn't it just a sort of a mental map we've drawn to satisfy ourselves bout what little we've learnt about this existence of ours?

so, in the end, what is time again? whats it doing with our lives? we are on a one way course into the future. but suppose, just suppose, if we could just pause time for an instance, what would happen? would the universe fall into itself? or could we just for a small period, understand the inner dynamics of our existence? or, for that matter, the reason for everything being as it is!!!

i don't know how many of you know about this amazing theory called CHAOS THEORY, but i think its the best theory ever proposed. it just makes a simple statement - "random discrete happenings which seem disconnected, all in a chaotic manner contribute to the occurrence of another seemingly random event which after a long period of time, seems to have been inter connected"

think, how many times have you done one thing instead of the other , resulting in a different result, which in turn led to another occurrence, which results in a whole new different occurrence! imagine a whole such cycle unfolding into a totally new end result! which in turn is actually a minor happening, leading to another huge cataclysmic occurrence!

so, even if one person somewhere in some corner of the world makes one different decision, the pattern follows and affects another person in some other part of the globe! so, if some single speck of an atom in some deep depths of the universe breaks up, we here on earth will face some sort of an effect.
going by this, i think we can say that every action of ours is resulting in one huge event in the future. it may be right or wrong at the time being, but nobody knows what it'll be in the future. so, we can actually say that there are no wrong or right moves, there are only moves...

and time, is actually a catalyst in making any of these so called 'futuristic' events coming into fruition! isn't it wierd that sometimes, things just happen! as if it were pre-planned and excecuted! but who's doing this planning? thats where this huge void in our understanding opens up... we humans have devoted ourselves to understanding bout everything. we may have learnt a lot about the physical world, but when it comes to questions like these, everyone just makes a blank face and says random abstract stuff which has no meaning whatsoever! no wonder time is so elusive when you need it the most!


  1. Nice stream of Thought Suhas! Thinking beyond the mortal realm I see. Good start bro. I can relate to your perception of time. We are after all measly 4 dimensional beings with primitive levels of perception.It is chaos out there but there is some underling pattern to this chaos otherwise mathematics would become meaningless. Coming to time some scientists believe that 'the past present and future are all interleaven in higher dimensions' ! Beat that ! I guess our whole life boils down to a single word -PERCEPTION. In this weird journey of life, I am glad to have met a bloke with an idiosyncratic perception like you ! HIGH FIVE Suhas!
