Tuesday, September 28, 2010

de ja vu....

 Two months ago (approximately), me n my good friend vikram were sitting on the steps of DEVIKERE pond on top of chamundi hills. The dude was leaving the country in a couple of weeks, so we both were simply trying to simply sit, talk n exchange ideas, saying goodbyes n stuff etc etc. We both have a same wavelength of thinking, so i knew i was going to miss our wacky thoughts, discussions and conclusions about every freaking thing around ... ( he's presently goofing off in Florida right now!). And being the morons that we are, of all the things in the world, we ended up talking about time-line continuum and dejavus....
 It was very windy that day, causing small surface waves on the top of the pond. it was fun seeing the algae on top move with the waves.. We both physics buffs couldn keep quiet, so we started taking small pebbles and throwing them into the waves to see how it would turn out, what we observed was this, the waves were as they were, but there were ripples forming too, on the waves. and these small ripples started spreading over the entire surface of the pond .. and where two ripples met, it was nice to see them cancelling out each other. Watching that scene got me started on talking about chaos theory, universe etc etc
 Eventually, we started talking bout dejavus... (u know, that feeling that somehow u have been in the same situation before...) ( like meeting some random person for the first time and feeling that somehow u have already met that person in the past!). our thoughts then turned to time travel and we ended up discussing that in length a bit.... thats when i got an inkling of an idea that i am going to share with now..
 This is a bit doozy, so keep your concentration. OK, here goes, i bet everyone in their life has had that strange feeling of a memory or an experience or a scenario of a present event feeling as if they have already been in that situation.. like going into the class on a random day to suddenly feel in your brain that u had done the exact same thing and seen the exact same scene n felt the exact same way sometime before. but, it is impossible for that to have happened before because whatever u r going through is happening now, and there is no chance of it happening in the past. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT IS CALLED IN COMMON LANGUAGE AS dejavu!- the feeling that you have had the same feeling before!
so how do u explain this?
 this is what i've come up with.... how do u remember a memory? u remember it in a million different ways, but always, when u recall it, u get a glimpse of that memory, in and whatever extent you want. in other words, u are picking up that particular instance from a huge database of your past instances or experiences. so our brain  analogically opens up this huge file holder, flips through the different files, picks up the necessary one and displays it to our inner eye , or imagination or perception or whatever, and once we have used that file, puts it back and stores it away.
 now, the conscious part of our brain has access to all these past events because, the conscious part has been through all those things. therefore it has access only to those things. thats why, only when you are perfectly awake, sane and not hight, u can remember and recall memories perfectly.
note that, at the same time, our sub-conscious part of the brain is always active. its the one which has direct access to the conscious part, but the transaction is not possible the other way around.
whenever we are sleeping, the sub-conscious part of our brain is active.
 and this is my explanation of dejavus:
 The human brain has access to all the memories of the past and the "memories" of the future. only thing is, that it has only access to the past because thats the only part the conscious brain remembers. however, the subconscious which is not under the control of the conscious brain, does have. sad part is that we can never voluntarily access these forbidden memories as they are under lock and key of the sub-conscious brain. this subconscious part of our brain has already seen and perceived these memories of the future. which is exactly why we sometimes get premonitions, good feelings and bad feelings about things which are yet to occur. the precise reason why you have dejavus. you feel that u hav been there before coz ur subconscious has already been there. and when your conscious part of the brain realizes that, u have a dejavu....
 The human brain is a wonderful thing. its possibilities are limitless. the only problem is that everyone tries to run the thought process in thier own way. causing clashes between the free running subconscious and the in-control conscious and in this process, many of our wonderful extraordinary abilities are lost. why do u think ppl who do meditation, tapasya etc have such a clear perception and have such a right idea about the future? its coz thier brain is clear. there are no clashes b/w the conscious and the subconscious!
so, to let your brain work at its best and go beyond, let your conscious and subconscious work in tandem. which u can do by trusting yourself more and following your impulses!!!
 anyway, thats enough for today...
and vikram , dude, seriously wish you were here! anyway, enjoy in florida, do something insanely awesome and make us proud!!! hope to see you soon in a couple of years!
take care you all senior blokes who are away in all your jobs or masters or whatever :)


  1. HEY SUHAS!!! Awesome post my brother. Yeah I loved that day! We were able to connect physics ,philosophy love and life !!! That was an awesome day! Your post kinda resembles "Memento"!!! Only difference is that there he says that we can consciously alter our memories cause they are vague and you are of the opinion that they are very clear except when the conscious messes it up. The thing is both explanations seem logical coz people believe that our brain is designed to filter out lot of visual data in order to efficiently use its "hard disk" ,The dreams open these visual data and kinda screw them up and hence we can get these bizarre situations which we perceive as a Dejavu coz we live for a good 60 years and chances of a really strange event happening is actually pretty good ---Its Math.
    The second explanation in the next comment!

  2. Okay now for support of your theory .Nandakumar Sir (an awesome physics teacher) Had once talked of a guy called Henri Poincare (Genius) Who talked of "All Time Every time" That is Time does not progress forward it just is . It is the rule of branes and other complex constructs which operate on a higher dimension that appear to make time move forward. SO basically we could jump to past present or the future if we knew how to work through higher dimensions. Now you can argue that how can we go to the future what happens if we make choices and change the past so that the future changes For that think of it on these line ... Go back to a bloke called Albert Einstein--- That bugger said that " God Does not play Dice" Implies everything can be predicted so that means whole of life ,time and universe is only hyper complex equation which has a unique definite solution for anything, SO working on same lines we are here to satisfy an equation so what ever we do is kinda precalculated on this dimension of time. SO we could technically time travel if we wanted to! SO given that we have a brain that has evolved for over 500Million years I am sure it can work its way around the time dimension and go beyond it !!! Hence we get Dejavus .. SO you can technically take whatever explanation suits you.

  3. All that physics and philosophy aside I am mighty glad I could meet a bloke like Suhas even though it was only in my prefinal year that I met him. Dnt ever give p on thinking radically differently from the rest of the lot my brother. Coz its perceptions that change the world and its radical perceptions that give rise to epochs! I know you are going to lead One!!! \m/
    Hope to meet you here!!!

  4. Sorry for the lack of punctuations on the comments. It does make reading challenging! But I am sure the smart ones will get it.
    Carpe Diem

  5. dude, if u talk bout that all time every time theory, then the world kinda becomes this huge array of planes, with each plane being a persons mind and brain having access to only that plane.... anyway, kinda makes sense if u think of memories as a database...
    but whats disturbing is tht equation thingy u talked about! if everything is predecided, it doesnt make sense.
    its better to view ourselves as thses random variables which can take a number of values , while at the same time maintaining the overall baance. that way, there is scope for improvement and betterment....

  6. so if u look upon things as random variables, then changing the past does change the nearby future ( nearby, if u consider the huge galactic scale of time when compared to individual lifetimes) and does alter the timeline continuum to some extent..

    time is the dimension on which we are running, but i think there could be another higher dimension where time itself is a minor factor, so that everything becomes negligible and zero in the higher planes.

  7. A change in the timeline continuum is a ripple it just propagates from its very minute origin . SO its a a significant alteration, though it appears insignificant. The world of physics is assuming that we are random variables too , and I hope we are But what if Einstein (a man who had an extraordinary perception was actually right?? Imagine how screwed up that would be!!!! But our meek conscious mind does not reveal our future entirely ..So I think for that we sould be glad and figure stuff out ourselves coz time is what is keeping us alive in the first place !!!!!
    Our thoughts are just like those ripples in the pond!!!
